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These are the classic denizens of the realm of Terris, a diverse and intelligent species well adapted to the subterranean and the perpetual darkness. People of our world often call them dwarves or dark elves, though sometimes also confuse them with Trolls, Kobolds, and Gnomes. This is a different species than the elven Svartalfar.

It is they who are why Terris is sometimes called Svartalfheim (Home of the Black Elves). They themselves often call it NiĆ°avellir, which means "Dark Fields." It is important to note that "dark" does not mean "evil." Instead, it refers to the actual darkness of their home: they are from the Dark Fields, where there is no sunlight! It should not be confused with the Shadow Realm, however.

Svartalfar, aka Dwarfs and Duergr[]

It is unknown whether they are native to Terris or simply well-adapted to the plane of elemental earth. Their name means "Dark Elf," though this should not be confused with humans' modern concept of elves; this is a much older word.

They are an extremely diverse species with many different cultures. Some call themselves Dokkalfar (dark elves) or Myrkalfar (murky/dusky elves), and one is known generically as the Duergr (dwarf).


Many Svartalfar are shorter and heavier set than the average human, but that is not to say they all are. Some are said to have long, mole-like noses, hunchbacks, and short legs. Others look like stocky humans.

The endless caverns they live in are much more conducive to a sturdy, smaller body that can easily handle the gravity fluctuations. Compared to humans, many Svartalfr have rougher, earthy skin, a better sense of smell, and a heavy-set build with impressive muscles. Some are said to have impressive beards, including among females, while other groups may have no facial hair at all. They are quite durable, if slower moving.

Some other races include:

  • Myrkalfr: similar in height to humans, pointy-eared but sturdy folk, often with mottled skin patterns that grant them better camouflage among the stones.
  • Duergr: short, heavy-set, with pallid skin ranging from ghostly grey through bluish hues to charcoal. Not to be confused with the undead Draugr!


Terris itself can be extremely barren in some places, and remarkably fertile in others. The Svartalfar often build their homes in caverns where they can cultivate some kind of food, which include mushrooms and some special, alien kinds of plants that are able to grow on thermal or magical energy. They are known to be able to even grow stoney, leafless trees in their subterranean caverns, which presumably bear heavy fruits. They will also farm native animals for meat and dairy products.


As they enjoy a more civilized life with cultivated food, remarkable feats of architecture, and stunning works of smithing and metalwork, most Svartalfar live in strict communities, often lead by a king or queen. They are extremely protective of their home territories and are wary of inviting outsiders past their gates. They work hard as a community to ensure their farms, workshops, and works of art are kept safe within their family clans and kingdoms. The Svartalfar in such communities nearly all bear armor and well-forged weapons to defend their homes and clans.

Individual communities have their own cultures created by those who are in charge, just like among human communities. Due to this, some Svartalfar may grow up in very warm and supportive environments, while others are convinced they must fight against or trick others to survive. In times of limited resources, Svartalfar will often group into family clans and war against each other, with the losers sent to establish a new city elsewhere; other times, it is simply the most cunning who win out (especially among the Duergr).

Due to all of this, Svartalfar tend to be very insular and unwelcoming of strangers, who have often proven themselves to be nothing more than thieves. Most Svartalfar are guarded, secretive, and usually suspicious of others' motives on at least some level, though can also be very warm and generous, especially with trusted friends and family.

Interactions with Magical Society[]

The Svartalfar are legendary craftsmen, spoken of in fairy tales and historical legends. Their ability to create magical armors, weapons, jewelry, and artifacts is renowned through the worlds, which has lead many mages to seek them out to barter or trade. Few make it far, however, and many proclaimed "Dwarf-forged" artifacts in our world were never even touched by Svartalfar hands, let alone forged by their craftsmen.

It is said that to get a real dwarf-forged artifact, you must impress them enough with the challenge of it and collect all of the items and reagents they ask for, which include seemingly impossible requests such as the footfall of a cat or the sinew of a mountain. As a proud race of artisans, they will honor their bargains, and do not take kindly to anyone trying to trick them - even though some (especially Duergr) will gladly trick you instead.

Some Svartalfar are known to come to our world to collect reagents, "exotic" foods, or steal farm animals or even people for unknown reasons, as their prey are never seen again. They greatly dislike the sun and so are only ever seen at night; it is rumored that some will even turn to stone like a troll if the sun touches them. However, some Svartalfar have been seen in open sunlight, so it is possible that some are trollblooded (and thus turn to stone) while others are not.


All Svartalfar are able to "see" in extremely low light and nonmagical darkness, with their vision in greyscale (black and white) under such conditions. They can see color under torchlight, and are quite fond of colorful things. They are often extremely sensitive to bright light, however! Some have a "tremor sense" where they can feel anything touching the solid surfaces they are connected to, as well, though this sort of sensitivity depends on how well vibrations travel through the stone.

Some are said to turn to stone under natural, direct sunlight. Others are said to be able to turn into smoke, though this is likely to be a spell.

Through training, most Svartalfar are skilled in wearing armor, using weapons, and crafting items. Not all are master artisans, but most communities boast of at least one master smith, and other Svartalfr can specialize in other crafts.

Suggested Combat Spells[]

  • Earthen spells: Diamond Blade (2), Stoneskin (3), Earthen Bulwark (4)
  • Vision: Clear-Sight, Tracking Vision
  • Combat abilities: Flanking Strike (3), Blink Strike (4), Sneak Attack (5), Riposte (5)
  • Illusory style defenses: Blur (2), Nightfall (3), Mirror Image (4), Sanctuary (4)


A taller and more slender race, these dark elves more closely match our modern concept of a fae elf. They are rumored to exist, but we have limited information on this secretive group.

More details to be added as we learn more about them.