Also known as Adventure Village, Trefoil Academy has been visiting this village regularly each summer ever since a portal to the village was discovered in the Academy's current castle grounds. While the Academy's castle site is located in Scandinavia, Ravenbrook itself is located in the mountains of northeastern France.
Adventure Village History[]
Ravenbrook village was founded by the Arascain bloodline thousands of years ago, who used the village as a trade center for their nearby iron-mining and lumber harvest, which was routed to their main bloodline estates far to the west along the coast. While that bloodline no longer exists, the village of Ravenbrook is now host to the Ravenbrook bloodline, who claim ancient descent from the Arascain lineage.
The portal from Trefoil's castle leads directly into a well near Ravenbrook's shopping centers. The staff of Trefoil Academy negotiated with the town to create a stairwell and a warded gatehouse around the portal to prevent uninvited guests from using the portal, and it is now an official hub for students and staff to reach the Academy.
Known Shops[]
The shops of Ravenbrook are controlled by the Nevermore Merchant Guild.
Shop Name | Shop Type | Shopkeeper | Assistants |
Raven's Nest Inn & Café [forum only] | Meeting Place | The Innkeeper | Servers, Cooks |
Odds, Ends, and Amulets | Magic Items and Amulets | Amanda Payne | |
Goldie's Treasures | Rare Items | Goldie | Sylvie |
Cricket Apothecary & Potion Supplier | Apothecary: Reagents and Potions | Cricket | |
Accidentally on Purpose | Recipes | Anabelle + Priscilla | |
Ore Really? | Weapons and Armor shop | Tannatar Magnala | |
Double Trouble Arena | Practice Ring | Honey & Robyn | |
Spell It Rite | Spells | Rex Natterby | |
Ravenbrook Real Estate Services | Real Estate | Madame Maison | |
Wildwind Exotics [forum only] | Pet Supply | ||
Leyline [wiki only] | Wands and Gemstones | Lyanna Allard | Wraith: Anouk |
A number of small shops have sprung up among the stalls of the marketplace, an open-air meadow filled with tables and enterprising merchants just starting out. Some of those shops include but are not limited to:
Shop Name | Shop Type | Shopkeeper |
The World of Stones | Gemstone Information | Unakite |
Recipes for Perfection | Cooking Recipes | Lucy |
Zoe Moon's Pet Care | Pet Care | Zoe Moon |
Ebony's Divination | Divinations | Ebony |
RuDƎys EARt | Character Art | Rudy |
Ideas for Perfection | Consultations | Lucy |
There are also a few shops not covered by the Merchant Guild, operating in the shadows. Students report that the Back Alley in the Merchant's Quarter, settled next to Goldie's, is a great place to find information and other goods.
Rumors to be Investigated[]
- The Jack of all Trades is rumored to be operating in this town, offering services of all kinds.
- Many new shops have opened up with strangely mundane wares. Are they all run by Vizier Aura?