Trefoil Academy Wiki

Emotional magics, these mind-to-mind Mental effects are diverse. They can be used to inspire, calm, and soothe, or to enrage, taunt, or hypnotize.

In most cases, forcing an extreme emotion that intentionally endangers someone is illegal or viewed as dark arts, such as causing debilitating hysteria, mass panic, or a deadly overconfidence. There is, of course, legal concern in other areas where an emoturgy spell may override someone's free will, but the legality is judged much like that of conjuring a fireball: is the intent to cause damage?

There are many beneficial uses of Emoturgy, including calming spells and bringing joy or a sense of freedom and accomplishment, or clarity.

Areas of Study[]

Emotional and Mental Defenses[]

This area focuses on understanding emotions and both stabilizing them as well as increasing your mental defenses against Mental attacks. This can grant an increased resilience against psychic and emotional attacks, confusion, charms, and even forced mind-reading or memory alterations. A master at these defenses could even feed false information to a mental intruder, misleading them on what they think they uncovered in a mental invasion.

Mind and Emotion-Altering effects[]

These are often subtle: compelling a target to sleep, dazing them to not think clearly, hypnosis, confusion. They may also grant positive effects such as calming, reducing fears, granting clarity, or increasing morale and bringing joy. While some frown on forcing or manipulating anyone's emotions and indeed, some uses are considered dark arts, there is quite a bit of good that can be done to help others if used wisely or by consent.

One form of this magic is through music and dance! Both invoke all sorts of emotions whether to cast a spell on the audience, or upon the dancer themselves. It is often an area of study at Trefoil Academy.

Binds and Blinding of Senses[]

Silencing, deafening, blinding, or briefly paralyzing the body can be done as a mental attack, through use of Emoturgy and Biocraft. While full body binds are the most difficult, disabling use of an arm, leg, or wing can be quite effective at stopping an opponent without leaving lasting damage. Manipulation of such nerves and brainwaves in the mind is connected to and has overlap with Telepology, which is its own branch of mental study.

Charms and Animal Companions[]

The magic of charming is a mental effect that makes the target see you as a friend or someone trustworthy. It is often used on animals to deter defensiveness or aggression, making it extremely useful for magizoologists, animal trainers, and veterinarians. Using this spell on shopkeepers to lower prices is generally frowned upon and can result in fines or bans from a market. Casting such a spell makes it easier to persuade someone, though attacking them or threatening their property or those they care about tends to break them of such charms.

Long-term charms are used to befriend wild beasts as pets. Usually, only one such pet can be kept at a time.

Mastery Talent[]

Most emoturgy masters can have more than one charmed tiny animal companion or familiar pet (mice, birds, etc), capable of performing simple requests. They can bond with a new animal through a simple charm ritual spell. These familiars are devoted to their mage friend and are happy to assist.

Known Academy Professors[]

  • Tura
  • Air
  • Stringbean
  • more to be added